Turkey Drive 2010
Message from the 2010 Chairman:
What comes to mind when you think of Fall ??? Football.....cooler weather.......and of course, TURKEYS!!!!
That's right....The Class of 1983 Turkey Drive for 2010 has officially begun. Our Class will once again fill each Thanksgiving basket prepared by the students of Jesuit High School with a turkey. We expect to fill 450 baskets this year. As Turkey Captain for this year's drive I am encouraging each of you to participate.
Just as the students of Jesuit High School are called to be Men For Others, so are we as alumni. This Turkey Drive offers us the opportunity to reconnect with our Alma Mater in a very special way and be a tangible example of Blue Jay Spirit to the Jesuit student body.
We have made it very simple to make an online donation using PayPal. Please visit our BlogSpot at http://classof83turkeys.blogspot.com/ to make your donation. We also have scheduled the following "Call Nights" for this year: Thursday, October 14th...Tuesday, October 19th...Wednesday, October 27th...Thursday, November 4th...Tuesday, November 9th...and Thursday, November 18th.
Please try to come out on one or more of these nights to reach out to your fellow classmates. We meet at Malcolm Schwarzenbach's office located at 2803 St. Philip St. in New Orleans (right behind Crescent City Steakhouse) at 6:00 pm. If you are not in New Orleans, we can arrange to get you contact information to help make calls. All are invited to make calls.
Please don't underestimate the importance of your individual donation or involvement. Collectively we make a big difference, not only to the needy families we feed, but to the current generation of Blue Jays who we work with during this effort.
Thanks in advance for your active participation.............now go to the blog and donate!!
Take Care!!
Brian North
Turkey Captain, 2010
P.S. James Moises has generously offered a bottle of Pinot Noir from his own Oregon winery to everyone who makes a donation of $150 or more. The wines have a retail value of $40. Check out his wines...http://www.moiseswines.com/Wines.html....Cheers!
Class of 83 Thanksgiving Drive -> Project 83
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