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Eric's Speech - 2011
Good morning. My name is Eric Derbes. I am co-chairman of the Class of ’83 Thanksgiving Drive. I am here with Rene Alvarez, Brian North, Mike Varisco from the Class of ’83 and the Class of ’83 faculty members: Mike Prados, Jack Cullichia, John Lavie, and Greg Ernst. Thank you for giving us the opportunity to be with you this morning. For the last 15 years the Class of ’83 has donated the turkeys for Jesuit’s thanksgiving baskets.
My oldest son was a pre-freshman in 2002. On his first Thanksgiving drive, he went with his class to deliver Thanksgiving baskets. An elderly lady answered the door on one side of a duplex just off of Banks Street. She was very thankful for the food delivery. The students offered to load the perishable food into her refrigerator. What they saw amazed them. These were kids who had never really needed anything in their lives. Sure there were things that they wanted, but none needed anything. When they opened the refrigerator, they saw need. The refrigerator was completely empty.
This may be your first Thanksgiving drive. It may be your fifth. When you do your part for the drive remember: “men for others” is not just a platitude. Being a man for others defines the goal for Jesuit High School students and Jesuit High School graduates. It’s easy to go to your mom and ask for money for the Thanksgiving drive. Do something more. Instead of asking for money from your mom, give something yourself. Get up early and go to the store. Go deliver the baskets. When you do your part for the drive, remember the elderly woman with nothing in her refrigerator. This drive is about doing something for others. It’s our way to give. Thank you again, from the Class of ’83.
Class of 83 Thanksgiving Drive -> Project 83
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