Turkey Drive 2018

Message from the 2018 Chairmen:
As temperatures & humidity levels dip below 80 that’s our signal reminding the class of ’83 that Thanksgiving is around the corner. Until recently, your co captains were mere fringe players in the ’83 Turkey Drive. However, as we’ve gotten more involved, it is clear that our turkey drive is truly something special. This drive is incredible. We should all get behind & be very proud of what our class has accomplished.
To steal a line from the Breakfast Club, regardless of whether you were a jock, geek, brain, basket case, or criminal we are members of Jesuit's class of 1983 & our class has separated itself from the pack through this Turkey Drive. As we reflect upon AMDG & try to be “men for others” both are well represented in this drive with the help of your generosity. As you know our class purchases close to 500 turkeys. The student body brings in the remainder of the groceries to make up a basket which are then delivered by students, faculty, & volunteers to needy families. How awesome is that.
Through foresight, careful planning, & your generosity this drive is just a few years away from being self-funded. As such, soon your class will be able to continue feeding families less fortunate in perpetuity. For those of you like me that didn't take honors English, that’s long after we have all left this earth. However, this is not possible without all of your support.
We are asking that all of you be a part of this year’s drive. Whether you give $10 or $10,000 we are hoping we can get 100% involvement as this drive belongs to 100% of us. We've made it quick & simple, click the link below & that will take you to the home page where you can donate with the click of a button. As usual, we will also be on the phones calling all of you as well.
Once again, please don’t underestimate the importance of your involvement in this years drive.
Thank you in advance, your 2018 co captains.
Louis Schott & Mark Wegmann
Message from the Treasurer:
If you are good with paying through the website, we have added a new feature. Not only do we still have the option to donate through PayPal, but now we have the option of using Venmo. If set up right on your end, Venmo eliminates the fees that are usually charged through PayPal. More information is on our website.
Of course, we still accept personal checks. If you prefer this method, please mail your checks made payable to Class of '83 Thanksgiving Drive, Inc., to the following address:
Class of '83 Thanksgiving Drive, Inc.
c/o Rene Alvarez
306 Athania Parkway
Metairie, LA 70001
Finally, the good news is that James Moises - our vintner in residence - will once again offer a bottle of wine for everyone who donates $200 or more (limit one per donor). But, there is some bad news - this will be the last year he's doing this. Poor guy almost went broke last year. So consider your donation carefully this year.
Rene Alvarez
Treasurer, Class of '83 Thanksgiving Drive
Class of 83 Thanksgiving Drive -> Project 83
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