Members of the Class of ’83 -
We believe that barring some unexpected economic calamity, our endowment will buy turkeys for every Thanksgiving basket that Jesuit ever provides. Forever.
That said, we are now evolving our efforts and embarking on a new phase to further help those in need in our community by introducing Project ‘83. We will be gathering donations to fund Jesuit student-generated service projects that benefit the New Orleans community. One of our primary goals has always been to help the least of our brothers while inspiring and motivating future graduates to do the same. We sincerely believe that this new mission aligns with that goal and additionally extends the reach of the good works we do beyond just a few days in November. We are working with Jesuit leadership to flesh out all the details, but rest assured, we will maintain control of any funds assuring that any project approved aligns with our core values and the spirit our organization has fostered for the past 25 years.
The Class of '83 Thanksgiving Drive
Class of 83 Thanksgiving Drive -> Project 83
Pledged # / $
0 / $0
Paid # / $
0 / $0