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Drive 2021

NOTICE:  To thank you for our past success and to explain more about the future of Project ‘83, please join us after the turkey delivery on November 23rd, 2021 at 7 PM at James Moises' Krewe du Bizou Wines at 2500 St. Louis Street in New Orleans. It’ll be fun and the booze will be free.  Significant others and children invited.

Message from the Chairmen
Our 2021 Tri-Chairmen 

Rob Sudderth, David Martin, & René Alvarez


To the Best Class That Ever Walked the Halls of Jesuit High,

It is that time of year again! As Thanksgiving nears, I can’t help but reflect upon 2021 and everything that has transpired. In many ways, this year has been a continuation of 2020 -- hurricanes and Covid. Many people in the community have personal struggles that persist regardless of the season, or even the year. It’s a depressing thought, but, at its core, being a witness to such depravation and need is the reason why many of us strive to help others. We get it. We want to help, and we want to inspire others to do the same. We are truly men for others. With this in mind, we are kicking off this year’s campaign with a couple of wrinkles.

For starters, 2021’s drive will have three co-captains. René Alvarez, David Martin, and I all have graduating seniors this year and we thought that it would be a great way to show both humility and pride to be at the forefront of the work and festivities. With that said, René, as always, will be handling the logistics and the treasury. Dave will be giving this year’s speech to the kids at morning assembly on November 8th – you are all invited to attend. Finally, I will remain the muscle in case any of y’all “forget” what you are here for and accidentally “Pledge and Veg” as Stan Gelpi so eloquently expressed several years ago. All jokes aside, however, we are excited to take part and help lead this year’s campaign.

Next, some of the greater minds at the Class of ’83 Thanksgiving Drive have worked hard to set the organization on a path to become fully endowed. According to the brains of the group (such as René Alvarez, Brian North, and Malcolm Schwarzenbach), all turkeys for Jesuit’s food baskets could be supplied in perpetuity from the treasury (barring a financial crisis). This has been no small feat and each person who has participated along the way should be commended for all that he has done to accomplish this goal. A huge thanks to everyone who has participated over the years.

This brings us to a new and exciting era of our project which we will be revealing on November 23rd, immediately after turkey delivery.  The event will take place at James Moises' warehouse at 2500 St. Louis Street starting at about 7 PM. We will celebrate our success so far, and unveil our plans for the future. We encourage all of you to show up and bring whomever you’d like. Significant others, kids, parents, all are welcome. Mark your calendars!

We should never stop looking for ways to help others, and I myself am excited for what lies ahead. Know that we cannot stop doing what we do, we cannot stop being men for others, and most certainly, we cannot stop kicking ass and being the best class that EVER walked the halls of Jesuit. Let’s do everything we can do to help fill that need in people’s lives during this holiday season. You are awesome and I cannot wait to see you this year!

A final thanks to Adrian Colon, Jr. and Sheva DeMatteo for last year’s efforts as co-captains. Y’all are the bomb. You guys set the bar high for this year’s captains, but we are looking forward to the challenge.

All the Best,

Robert Sudderth, President

Class of 83 Thanksgiving Drive -> Project 83

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