COVID-19 Response 2020
Donated as of 5/11: $2,825
Members of the Class of '83 -
Thank you for your support of this mission. Fr. Brown is working hard with the neighborhood to identify those most in need. We will let you know the official numbers as soon as possible.
The good news is that we have been told that at least one restaurant has significantly dropped their prices on meals, so it looks like our donation will go a little further than we hoped. Maybe more will follow their lead.
In response to our previous email, several of you have asked if you can contribute to this effort by either buying additional meals or replenishing our rainy day fund. Your responses were so heartwarming that you actually made Michael Varisco cry. The Board has decided that we will reactivate our PayPal and Venmo links on the website (www.classof83turkeys.com) to accommodate any of you well-meaning and generous men of action. As a board we also promise that if you make Mike cry again, we will post video on our Facebook page provided we can maintain social distancing protocols in the effort.
If you don't like PayPal or Venmo, we will also take checks. Make your check payable to The Class of '83 Thanksgiving Drive, Inc. (with COVID-19 in the memo) and send it to our treasurer at the following address:
Class of '83 Thanksgiving Drive
306 Athania Parkway
Metairie, LA 70001
Once again, thank you.
Class of '83 Thanksgiving Drive Board
Class of 83 Thanksgiving Drive -> Project 83
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