Turkey Drive 2013
Message from the 2013 Chairman:
Classmates, alumni, fellow "turkeys,"
It is that time again. October is upon us and once again we embark on our annual journey to procure a few hundred turkeys for the Jesuit Thanksgiving drive. Time and time again, for over 15 years now, we have been called upon to up our game and reach higher goals, more and more turkeys every year. This year is no different. During the past year we were able to create a fund that will eventually be able to provide the funding for our Thanksgiving turkeys long after no more Class of '83 "turkeys" are around to haul in the turkeys on Tuesday evening before the drive. But until that day arrives we need to continue to do our best to raise enough money to both fund the current drive and build up the endowment. In doing so we are building an unlikely legacy as the "Turkey Class." What started as an ambiguous moniker that could just as easily be taken as a poorly veiled insult, has become a genuine badge of honor for the Class of 1983. This is how we are known around the Jesuit community, and it is a good thing! Tell someone you are Class of '83 and they instantly know you as one of the guys who provide the Thanksgiving Drive with turkeys. "Oh, you're in the turkey class," they say. Well folks, it is time to be turkeys once again! We will need you to do your best to help the drive with your financial support. Every donation counts, no matter how small. And we will, of course, need plenty of able bodies to unload the turkeys and down a "few" adult beverages well into the early hours. If you are in town and would like to do more to help out, please, by all means, join us for call nights. Pizzas and adult beverages have been known to find their way into the call room! It's a great time and a way to reconnect with old friends. Everyone is welcome! The calls will be starting soon, and I look forward to talking to many of you! Please visit our website and make your donation. It couldn't be any easier!
God bless you and your families as we approach the holidays!
Dan Senentz
Drive Chairman 2013
Class of 83 Thanksgiving Drive -> Project 83
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0 / $0
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