Malcolm's Speech - 2012

To give and not to count the cost;
To fight and not to heed the wounds;
To toil and not to seek for rest;
To labour and not ask for any reward
Save that of knowing that we do Thy will.
That's an Ignatius Loyola quote. I first heard that here at Jesuit. And, I can never remember the whole thing, but I never forget that first line. To give and not to count the cost. It's always meant the most to me. It's a simple statement and easy for me to remember. But it's a profound statement at the same time. To me it's been a simple goal in life. And the older I get, I find the people who are the most successful -- who are the happiest in life -- live for that goal -- whether they know these words specifically or not. They give of themselves without counting the cost. And, I promise you, it comes back to them. These are the people who are rewarded with a rich and fulfilling life -- whatever form that may take for them.
So now I'm asking you to remember that first line. I'm asking you to give and not to count the cost.
This is our 12th year of the Class of '83 Thanksgiving Drive. And I'm proud to have with me today, a fine (and dashing) collection of some of the people who make it possible every year. These guys give without counting the cost -- although some of their wives may. We're asking you again this year to fill your homerooms with canned goods. We've got a lot of families to feed this year. A lot of families that we're going to positively impact this year. So, you bring in the canned goods, and we'll bring the turkeys. Together let's show our community just what it means to give and not to count the cost.
Thank you
Class of 83 Thanksgiving Drive -> Project 83
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