Turkey Drive 2012
Message from the 2012 Chairman:
Classmates, if you've made it to this web page, hopefully you will be able to go a little further. This web page is the culmination of the enterprise to which we all belong. Though we may see or hear from each other throughout the year, or just see or hear from each other at this time of year, this web page is the place where our collective identity transforms us from a group of alumni into a remarkable group of alumni. Your generosity through the years has been incredible. No matter what our experience during or after our time in high school, our cohesion as a group has been a mainstay in all of our lives.
To the right is the "Donate" button. This year, there has been a 30% increase in the price of turkeys. Last year we paid $0.72/pound. This year, it looks like we will pay $1.02/pound. So your generous donations are as important now as they ever have been. If you would still prefer to donate by sending in a check, we are happy to have you do so. Please send any checks to:
Class of ’83 Thanksgiving Drive
c/o Rene Alvarez
306 Athania Pkwy
Metairie, LA 70001
If you want to participate, no matter where you are, we can make this possible. Please contact us and we will get you the info so that you can make calls to other people in our class. Until Thanksgiving, we will meet once a week in Metairie at either Eric Derbes' or David Martin's office. And finally, we will have our Turkey Delivery Night on Tuesday, November 20th at 6pm in Jesuit's Parking lot. If you can get away from your office at around 4pm, we will be picking up the turkeys from the grocery then. The whole time will be great fun.
I hope to see you on call nights; I hope to see you on delivery night, and I want to thank you for supporting this great effort.
Michael Varisco
Drive Captain, 2012
Class of 83 Thanksgiving Drive -> Project 83
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