Turkey Drive 2015
2015 Call Night

Message from the 2015 Chairman:
Greetings JHS Class of 1983,
It’s my great pleasure to chair and kickoff the 19th Annual Class of '83 Thanksgiving Drive. Like so many of you, I’ve supported this effort with donations over the years, but I freely admit that I’ve been comfortable leaving the organization and work to the core group we all know so well. I’m certain that all of you have appreciated all that they’ve done to organize this great work in the name of all of us over the past 18 Thanksgivings. Either because of the threats and verbal abuse of Varisco, or guilt, or just my own desire to finally help; the moment arrived when I needed to get involved. So, for better or worse, here we go.
The great thing about all of our experiences together at Jesuit is that I think that we all feel like we know each other’s hearts. We know that our time together on Banks and Carrolton forged in us a great desire to serve and help our fellow man. It is simply a part of who we are. The founders and leaders of the Thanksgiving Drive really have embodied that spirit and have made serving in this one way incredibly easy for the rest of us. When the Turkey Drive founders started calling all those years ago, sure I was skeptical. But those guys put me at ease in an instant and I was ready to do what I could to help.
While it’s not possible to know 230 plus classmates well, I still had a great warmth for the times we’d talked or laughed in the hallways and classrooms at Jesuit. That’s the feeling of camaraderie and common cause that I’m looking for you to find today as we ask you once again to join us in this amazing outreach. Take a minute and think about what you’ve collectively done with over 400 families served last year alone. Now add that to the hundreds from the years before and we’re talking thousands of lives touched by your generosity. While it’s certainly good to give back, I think the thing that I’m most proud of is the example it sets for the students who come to understand how a group like ours is fulfilling its mission as men for others.
So that’s my appeal. You know what we’re all about and you know how important this is to the disadvantaged in New Orleans. You don’t need any words from me to inspire you because I know you’re ready to help in any way you can. We believe that we’ll need close to another 400 birds again this year, so once again we’ve set the bar high for ourselves. We need every donation that we can get and if you can swing it, we need just a bit more than last year. We especially hope that you’ll join us if you haven’t been able to donate in the past or we’ve somehow missed you. Any amount you can offer would be gratefully accepted.
The website (www.classof83turkeys.com) is open and ready to take your donation to this important cause. The calls will be starting next week, so we look forward to talking to you soon. Please visit our website and make your donation today.
May the God of all bless you.
Mark Alvarez
Drive Chairman 2015
Message from the Treasurer (and the Chairman's cousin):
If you are still stuck in the 20th century and would prefer to donate by check, please make it payable to Class of '83 Thanksgiving Drive, Inc., and mail it to me at the following address:
Class of '83 Thanksgiving Drive
c/o Rene Alvarez
306 Athania Parkway
Metairie, LA 70001
If you have any questions regarding donations, do not hesitate to email me at rdalvarez1965@gmail.com.
Class of 83 Thanksgiving Drive -> Project 83
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