Turkey Drive 2011
Message from the 2011 Chairman:
Jesuit's Thanksgiving Drive is upon us again. Once again it's the Class of 1983's time to do our part. As we have for the last dozen or so years, the Class of 1983 will provide the turkeys for the Thanksgiving baskets distributed on November 23. We expect to provide approximately 400 turkeys to the needy in the New Orleans area. Once again we are asking for your help gathering the class and getting the donations for the turkeys.
There are two ways that you can donate. (1) Go to the website http://classof83turkeys.blogspot.com and donate through PayPal and (2) Wait for one of us to call you and remind you that you haven't donated yet, and then go to the website and make the donation.
Please join us in calling our classmates to make the calls. We will be making calls from my office at 3027 Ridgelake Dr., Metairie, at 6:30 on Thursday, Oct. 13, Oct. 20, Oct. 27, Nov. 10 and Nov. 17.
If you are not in New Orleans, we can arrange to get you contact information to help make calls. All are invited to make calls.
The Thanksgiving Drive is a unique and remarkable part of the Jesuit experience. Help set an example for the young Blue Jays that being Men for Others should not just be a saying that we hear and repeat.
Hope to see all of you when we deliver the turkeys on Tuesday, November 22 in the courtyard. Thanks in advance for your active participation with the calls and the donations.
Eric Derbes
Turkey Captain, 2011
Class of 83 Thanksgiving Drive -> Project 83
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