Michael's Speech - 2012
Good morning, I wanted to say a few words about the Thanksgiving Drive that were inspired by my time here at Jesuit.
To our Pre-freshmen and first year Freshmen, I say "Give us this day our daily bread." As you embark on the journey of fulfilling a simple Few words of our Lord's Prayer. Your peers and mentors, with whom you now stand, welcome you to the prospect of perhaps changing our embattled community, by answering the prayers of the poor and unfortunate in a manner so that it may forever be the way of your life.
To our Freshmen, I say "Give us this day our daily bread," for today marks the end of your status as an apprentice. No more can you stand in wonderment about the point, purpose, process, procedure, or people. Once again, you have arrived at this table of the Lord not to eat, but to serve, answering the prayers of the poor and unfortunate in a manner so that it may forever be the way of your life.
To our Sophomores, I say "Give us this day our daily bread." Stand not, I pray, in judgment of those you serve, for what they need are not your opinions, but your kindness and compassion. Change this world one basket at a time and answer the prayers of the poor and unfortunate in a manner so that it may forever be the way of your life.
To our Juniors, I say "Give us today what we need to eat," for today marks the day that you will be called to lead our enterprise. Stand up before your fellow classmen and say "follow me to achieve our common goal for the greater glory of God"; thus answering the prayers of the poor and unfortunate in a manner so that it may forever be the way of your life
To our most dear Seniors, I say "Give us this day our daily bread." As you head this final venture, you stand at the precipice of sadness, desperation, and hunger. Stare down and conquer it with kindness, compassion, and love. When you leave here to pursuit the good things in life, I ask that you do not forget to live life good, by answering the prayers of the poor and unfortunate in a manner so that it may forever be the way of your life
And to our Faculty and Staff, I say "Give us this day our daily bread," for you are the backbone of this of this endeavor. Without your support and encouragement we are left only with good intentions and a shell of hope; so I ask, "what would you attempt to do if you knew you could not fail?" And I appeal to you that it would be to answer the prayers of the poor and unfortunate in a manner so that it may forever be the way of your life.
And to you all, I ask that you may consider the words, "Give us this day our daily bread" to not be just a prayer, but a petition that we are called to fulfill so that darkness, deceit, and disease will be exposed and cleansed in the pureness of your actions as you answer the prayers of the poor and unfortunate in a manner that has forever become your way of life.
Class of 83 Thanksgiving Drive -> Project 83
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