Turkey Drive 2019

Message from the 2019 Chairmen:
Gentlemen -
At a pep rally in the autumn of 1982, Fr. Harry W. Tompson, S.J., broke out into a chant and seemingly even started dancing: “We want ONE MORE, 34! We want ONE MORE, 34! We want ONE MORE, 34!”
He was talking about Holy Cross, beating Holy Cross one more time making it—at the time-- 34 times we had won in the history of the rivalry. Perhaps the deeper message he was relaying to us was the message of magis, the AMDG; that we can always go for the “greater” gifts, the greater glory of God. We seemingly can always go one more time and make the extra effort.
It is in that same spirit, the spirit of Tompson, the spirit of our holy founder St. Ignatius, the spirit of the magis…the spirit of ’83 really, that at the very first tinge of autumn in the air, we reach out to you, our dear classmates in what is and has become one the most manifest of things that the class of 1983 is known for, the Thanksgiving Drive.
Our own Pope Francis, a Jesuit priest himself, often tells Jesuit schools all over the globe that what makes them great is not how many accolades, not how many awards and honors and rose bouquets they have won in the arena of sports or academics; rather, what makes Jesuit schools great is their magnanimity, their generosity, their service they render to the world today. That is what makes Jesuit schools great. And you know what? Those deeds rather than mere words or honors speak more loudly to the world than anything else in the world. Jesuit schools serve, and really nothing barks out the words of service more than the Class of ‘83 Thanksgiving Drive. It is a tremendous source of pride, gratitude and humility to be part of this great class of men.
So we come to you—for “one more.” We are asking you one more time to play the vital part that you do in the service of others. We have made it totally easy. Please click the link below and it will take you to the home page where you can donate to the purchase of 500 turkeys. The students bring in the rest of the groceries to make up a great basket to be delivered to needy families.
We are seeking 100% participation whether it be at any level. In fact, you would miss out by not participating…and the thrust of this annual and continuing class project would sort of feel “less-than” as well. So do NOT think for a second that your gift does not make a difference. It does indeed. What is most important is not the amount you give, but that you do indeed give something. As Fr. Tompson himself would say, “Do not miss out on this excellent opportunity to be generous.”
Thank you ever so much, in advance for your participation.
Greg Jordan and Vince Liberto
2019 Co-Captains
P.S. We will be calling as well (if you will, please join us) on October 24, October 30, November 7, November 14, and November 21.
Avoid the annoying phone calls and constant harassment - DONATE! You can go to our website (www.classof83turkeys.com) to donate through PayPal or Venmo. It only takes a few minutes and it is usually painless.
Of course, we still accept personal checks. If you prefer this method, please mail your checks - made payable to Class of '83 Thanksgiving Drive, Inc. - to the following address:
Class of '83 Thanksgiving Drive, Inc.
306 Athania Parkway
Metairie, LA 70001
And, finally, the good news is that this year, if we are as successful as last year, we will reach our goal of $200,000 in the endowment!
And, because of this milestone, James Moises has taken back what he said last year and will donate a bottle of his famous wine for any donation of $200 or more! But that will be it . . . no more after this year. And, he really means it this time.
We couldn't do this without you. Thanks again for your past generosity and look forward to hearing from you again this year!
Class of '83 Thanksgiving Drive Committee
Class of 83 Thanksgiving Drive -> Project 83
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