Turkey Drive 2020
To the Best Class Ever:
That’s right! The weather is getting cooler and its time again to kick off our Thanksgiving Turkey Drive.
As we all know, numerous factors have aligned against us to make 2020 an amazingly crappy year.
We have the Covid-19 virus that, at the very least, has changed all our lives for the time being;
We have Mayor Latoya that’s trying to kill the City’s economy and send the Saints to Baton Rouge;
We have had 6 storms headed to Louisiana, with 2 major storms hitting almost the same area;
And we are in the middle of an Election year that can be described as divisive, at best.
None of this will deter us. Nothing will stop our class from doing what we do best (besides getting together and drinking) - helping the less fortunate by providing the turkeys for the Jesuit Thanksgiving baskets distributed by the students the day before Thanksgiving.
To overcome the negatives of 2020, we will have two new chairmen this year!!
Sheva and I are honored to co-chair the 2020 Class of ’83 Thanksgiving Drive.
As Men for Others, we ask that you continue to be part of this year’s drive.
We all know that the Covid-19 virus has brought many poor families to the brink, and the need this year is overwhelming.
We also recognize that the pandemic has affected many of our class families as well.
During difficult times, the Class of ’83 has led the way.
All we ask is for your participation; the amount of the gift does not matter.
Your involvement is crucial to our drive’s success this year.
We have many ways to pay from the website as set out below.
If you pay that way, you may avoid a call from our amazing Turkey Drive Committee. 😊
Mark your calendar.
We will again deliver the turkeys on Tuesday before Thanksgiving (this year November 24th) and we look forward to seeing you.
More details to come!
Thanking you in advance, your 2020 Co-Chairs,
Adrian Colon, Jr. & Sheva DeMatteo
As promised, we reached our goal of a full endowment last year. However, the pandemic really affected our account balance and the earnings just weren't what we were expecting. We just recovered our losses from earlier in the year, so we are on the plus side (but not by much). We do have some money left over from the summer campaign so that helps. Therefore, we decided to ask for just enough to cover the costs for this year's turkeys with a cushion to weather any other unexpected downturns that may negatively impact the funds viability. If you gave over the summer, do not feel obligated to give again. If you are not in a position to give this year, do not worry because your generosity over the last 22 years has put us in an enviable position. If you want to give, we always welcome the support.
Go to our website (www.classof83turkeys.com) to donate through PayPal or Venmo. It only takes a few minutes and it is usually painless.
Of course, we still accept personal checks. If you prefer this method, please mail your checks - made payable to Class of '83 Thanksgiving Drive, Inc. - to the following address:
Class of '83 Thanksgiving Drive, Inc.
306 Athania Parkway
Metairie, LA 70001
Hopefully, the only phone calls we intend to make are thank you calls this year.
We couldn't do this without you. Thanks again for your past generosity and look forward to hearing from you again this year!
Class of '83 Thanksgiving Drive Committee
Class of 83 Thanksgiving Drive -> Project 83
Pledged # / $
0 / $0
Paid # / $
0 / $0