Turkey Drive 2017

Message from the 2017 Chairman:
To the best guys I know,
For some crazy reason, I was honored to be chosen to chair the Class of ’83 Thanksgiving Drive. It’s an honor to follow Johnny Hazard. (I was told if I didn’t say that he would beat the shit out of me.)
This is our 21st year raising money to purchase the turkeys that fill the baskets and feed the least among us.
Yes, we have the least amount of National Merit Semi-Finalists on record. Yes, we have the most “also graduating today…”members. And yes, some of us only passed Chemistry because Mr. Clark gave the same multiple choice test every year (the answers were: a,a,b,b,d,d,a,c,c,b), or passed Biology because Dr. Rosinia posted the test on the bulletin board in the hall. But, no other class has as much heart, soul and spirit of giving as our beloved Class of ’83.
We hope to raise enough money to provide turkeys to feed over 450 families this year. Obviously, we need your help to accomplish this goal. The calls will begin soon. Please be as generous as you can. “Men for Others” is not just a saying to our class, it defines our class.
Once again this year, Klinger is giving a bottle of “Moises” wine to anyone who contributes $200 or more.
I look forward to talking to many of you in the coming weeks and seeing you on delivery day (before I get hammered).
You are the best guys I know. Love you all!
Tom Capella

Class of 83 Thanksgiving Drive -> Project 83
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